Research on the practice of using mobile dating apps
among gay group
What is 'Blued'?
A online dating app for gay users
27 million users, the majority users are Chinese
To search for the guy you want through 11 selection tools
“New Feeds”: to know the current activities of other users
Send messages in real time
Translation function: to know friends overseas
Observation by subject
We have done an investigation into the app Blued, as it is the most prevalent app for gays in China and Hong Kong. The users of the this dating app can easily and frequently edit their user names and upload their profile pictures, detailed personal information such as height, weight, relationship status can also be optionally edited. About 100 profiles are being observed in the research, and that it is ubiquitous to see the users select masculine and mannish photos for their profile pictures, which can be identified as a self-representing process. Actually, those are the ways for them to build up their own character and impressions online without any apprehension as their real identity are being selectively and consciously exposed. At the same time, the gay users can decide their charter like ‘0’, ‘1’ or ‘0.5’. Other filters of sexual and body orientation can also be chosen on the page of ‘My Hashtag’, various purposes are offered such as chatting and dating, these options may play a crucial role for the users to their fulfill diverse needs. A self-positioning and identification process is being implied while the gays select their sexual character, they are also able to look for partners that are having the similar needs online, which is beneficial for them to find targets who match with their imaginations, including friends, build up a long-termed or sexual relationship.
The online dating app also provides unque function oflive streaming . Based on the 100 live streaming videos we have watched, there are various topics of live streaming as performed by the users. The mainstream and popular hosts of those live streaming are usually handsome and muscular; they will dress decently and perform their talents in order to present their charisma and strongness. At the same time, the live streaming function has also provided a platform for the non-mainstream gay group to represent themselves in front of others. For example, some of the hosts will have feminine dressings, gestures and facial expressions in their live streaming. Though non-mainstream hosts are less popular when compared to the mainstream hosts, this function enables the gays to develop their self-esteem by the increasing popularity and recognition by their fans. On the other hand, the gay viewers are trying to characterize their particular personality by gazing the host, which increased their emotional investment positively.
As the phenotypical characteristics are absented to identity the gay identity, the gay group has developed a set of ‘online language’ that can be used within the community. The gay group affiliation is ascertained on the basis of the participative behavior around shared systems of meanings among group members (Nicholas Chery L., 2004). The online language has become a primary tool for the gays to represent their sexual identity. The folk concept used within the gay community to name the recognition of verbal and nonverbal behavior associated with gay identity is "Gaydar" (Nicholas Chery L., 2004). For example, with reference to our interviewees, the word ‘member’ means they are in the gay circle; ‘ONS’ means the users are looking for one-night stand, which implied sexual insinuation, and the word ‘Clocked’(彈鐘) shows that the gay man is being rejected by the others after sending his photos or when they meet in reality.
Physical spaces used by subjects
Physical spaces are also important in contributing to the unique socialization within the gay community. There are various ways for them to find friends and socialize themselves when they are offline and back to the reality. The ways that gay people socialize offline can roughly be divided into two main categories, one is to meet decent friends, while another one is to find sex partners.
For those who want to meet decent friends, they may join activities in gay-friendly churches, social clubs for gay people and gay bars. They may find friends who have same sexual orientation, similar interests and like-minded thoughts. According to the interviewees, the gay people may participate actively in these platforms to fulfill their social needs. Occasionally, these places permit the gay community to organize some activities related to their identities, such as gay film workshops. The gay people can therefore broaden their social circle via attending these activities. These spaces are mostly friendship-oriented.
On the other hand, for those gay people who want to find sex partners, they may meet in saunas or public toilets in the parks, and these places are called “Fishponds”(魚塘) in the community. These places are for casual sex and socialising. For gay saunas, it is popular to have sex there due to its affordable prices and the anonymity offered by the space. It does not require any responsibilities and commitment of a relationship. Moreover, the arrested development and internalised homophobia might keep away people from finding long-term partners in gay saunas. Therefore, these places are for gays to have casual sex, like one-night stand.
Although finding partners online has the advantage of easy access and high anonymity, the social support and connection online is not as trustful as offline support. For example, there is absence of physical connections and facial expressions when engaging in online relationship. (Dehaan, Kuper, Magee, Bigelow, Mustanski, 2012) The direct interactions in offline relationships allow people to gauge the identity of a person and the seriousness of the relationship in a more direct manner. Also, some may find it more appropriate to raise an intimate request face-to-face. These are the reasons that people have the preference for offline interactions with their peers.
it is noticeable that the influence of offline social space seems to be declining. The number of gay bars are decreasing at a speedy rate. Besides the reason of high land rents, the major culprit is the higher acceptance of homosexuality, which makes the need to seek out friends in darkened corners unnecessary. Despite this, the offline spaces still have their own functions and values as mentioned. The gay people may not only stick to some venues which are specifically for gays, but they would still have dates in real places.